Governor Abbott Appoints Three to Texas State University System Board of Regents (3/28/23)
TSUS Announces More Than $1 Million in Public Art Opportunities (4/20/23)
TSUS Announces Largest-Ever Graduating Class for Spring 2023 Semester (5/8/23)
State Budget Provides $275 Million in New Funding to TSUS Institutions (5/31/23)
TSUS Institutions Expand Student Mental Health and Well-Being Resources (5/31/23)
Governor Abbott Appoints Lamar University’s Kelvin Elgar as Student Regent (6/1/23)
Chancellor Brian McCall Elected Chair of National Association of System Heads (7/21/23)
TSUS Commissions Nic Nicosia for New Recreation Sports Sculpture (8/2/23)
TSUS Foundation Announces 2023 Regents' Award Winners (8/11/23)
TSUS Institutions Set Enrollment Record Due to Strong Growth in Southeast Texas (9/18/23)
TSUS Joins University Systems Across the Nation to Highlight the Value of a College Degree (11/1/23)
TSUS Board of Regents Elects Alan L. Tinsley as Chairman (11/17/23)
TSUS Announces Process for Appointing Interim President of Sul Ross State University (1/26/22)
TSUS Secures More Than $60 Million for Sul Ross State University (02/01/2022)
TSUS Board of Regents Recognizes 2021 Regents' Teacher Award Winners (2/18/22)
Chancellor McCall's Statement on Departure of LIT President Lonnie Howard (2/24/22)
Board of Regents Chair Duke Austin Appoints Advisory Committee for LIT Presidential Search (3/29/22)
Kelly R. Damphousse, Ph.D., Confirmed as 10th President of Texas State University (4/21/22)
Dr. Carlos Hernandez Named Interim President of Sul Ross State University (5/2/22)
TSUS Partners with Harmony Public Schools to Support College-Bound Graduates (5/23/22)
Governor Abbott Appoints Texas State University's Gabriel Webb as Student Regent (6/8/22)
Dr. Sidney E. Valentine Named Sole Finalist in LIT Presidential Search (7/25/22)
TSUS Foundation Announces 2022 Regents' Award Winners (8/12/22)
Sidney Valentine Confirmed as President of Lamar Institute of Technology (8/15/22)
TSUS Announces Historic Investment in Middle Rio Grande Region (9/29/22)
TSUS Board of Regents Formally Installs Carlos Hernandez as President of Sul Ross (11/17/22)
Board of Regents Honors 2022 Regents' Award Winners (11/18/22)
Lamar University President Kenneth Evans Announces Retirement (1/25/21)
Board of Regents Chairman Appoints Advisory Committee for LU Presidential Search (2/22/21)
Governor Abbott Appoints Texas State University’s Camile Settegast as Student Regent (6/1/21)
Dr. Jaime R. Taylor Named Sole Finalist in Lamar University Presidential Search (6/8/21)
Dr. Jaime R. Taylor Confirmed as 16th President of Lamar University (6/30/21)
Governor Abbott Appoints Three to TSUS Board of Regents (7/7/21)
Lamar State Colleges Further Reduce Tuition This Fall (7/20/21)
Board of Regents Chairman Appoints Advisory Committee for TXST Presidential Search (9/1/21)
Sul Ross President Pete Gallego Announces Resignation Effective June 4, 2022 (11/12/21)
Board of Regents Elects Earl C. "Duke" Austin as Chairman (11/19/21)
Board of Regents Honors 2021 Regents' Award Recipients (11/19/21)
Chairman Scott Appoints Advisory Committee to Launch Sul Ross Presidential Search (1/22/20)
Chancellor Brian McCall’s Statement on Retirement of SHSU President Dana Hoyt (2/4/20)
Tuition Cut Boosts Enrollment at Lamar State Colleges (2/12/20)
Chairman Scott Appoints Advisory Committee to Launch Sam Houston Presidential Search (2/17/20)
TSUS Institutions Plan to Resume Face-to-Face Instruction This Fall (5/1/20)
Advisory Committee Selects Three Finalists for Sul Ross Presidency (5/1/20)
Pete P. Gallego Named Sole Finalist for Sul Ross State University Presidency (5/14/20)
Board of Regents Confirms Pete P. Gallego as 13th President of Sul Ross State University (6/4/20)
Dr. Alisa White Named Sole Finalist for Sam Houston State University Presidency (6/18/20)
Summer Enrollment Up Dramatically Across TSUS (7/2/20)
Board of Regents Confirms Alisa White, Ph.D., as President of Sam Houston State University (7/14/20)
TSUS Foundation Announces 2020 Regents' Award Winners (8/14/20)
TSUS Enrollment Reaches Record High (10/15/20)
TSUS Leadership in Online Education Helped Ease Transition to Emergency Online Instruction (12/9/20)